SOLD - Self-propelled Causeway Barge

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This is a self propelled ex-Navy causeway barge that has been painted since the photos were taken.  The owner reports her to be in excellent condition with only 221 and 206 hours on the main engines.  She has a 55 gallon stainless hydraulic oil tank.  They engines are outfitted with sea chests and selector valves for raw water cooling.  She has a fire suppression system with 3 50 pound bottles permanently piped.  Her electrical system has 4 each 12 volt batteries and the pilot house has Morse cable controls.  Each space has 2 bilge pumps forward and aft.  The machinery space has 6 each nitrogen filled accumulators that provide power and assistance to the hydraulic system.  The replacement cost is $1,200,000.00. 


Price: U.S. $ 89,000.00


Feet Meters
Length 90 27.4
Width 21 6.4
Depth 5 1.5
Draft 2 .61
Speed 8 Knots
Range 15 GPH









Flag US
Year Built 1987
Where Built USA
Location Jacksonville, Florida
Cargo Capacity 58 Tons
Main Engines 2 - Detroit 8-71 Turbo's
Transmissions 2 - Allison
Fuel Tank 625 Gallon Stainless










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